Contact us

Contact Details

Rukungiri Town, Rukungiri District

South-Western Uganda.

Contact us also via email or phone:

+256 (0)75 4944695

Book your rafting experience in Uganda!

If you fill out this form and let us know what you are interested in and when, we will organize your dream rafting or kayaking trip on the jungle river of South-West Uganda.

For an extra $10, help us improve local water safety

Countless lives are lost each year due to drowning incidents. In an effort to make a meaningful impact, we invite you to consider an additional contribution of $10. With this modest amount, you can help provide essential swimming lessons for a local school in Kigezi, Western Uganda. Empowering communities with vital water safety skills not only saves lives but also fosters a culture of resilience and knowledge. Your generosity can turn the tide, ensuring that more individuals have the chance to learn to swim and, ultimately, preventing tragic incidents of drowning. Together, let's make a difference—one lesson at a time.

SANA Gorilla Rafting location